Pycon Israel 2021

Python RPC and PubSub over Websockets
05-02, 11:00–11:25 (Asia/Jerusalem), General Track 2

Modern distributed software doesn't stop at your VPC. Edge deployed software needs realtime communications, updates, and state sync. It needs RPC and PubSub over the web. Lets make it open-source.

Modern distributed software doesn't stop at your VPC. Edge deployed software needs realtime communications, updates, and state sync. It needs RPC and PubSub over the web. Lets make it open-source.

In this talk we'll cover the need for over-the-web realtime RPC and PubSub, why we needed and created it for our OpenPolicyAgent realtime updates layer, along side:
- The challenges that the implementation faced
- Pro/Cons of realtime update channels
- Common use cases (updates, sync, event propagation, distributed computing, authorization, ...)
- Additional awesome Python open-source we used in this solution (FastApi, Tenacity, broadcaster, ...)
- How to use the open-source packages we shared.

Session language


Target audience

Security Experts, Developers, DevOps, Data Scientists, R&D, Managers

Developer and Entrepreneur.
Rich R&D and cybersec experience.
Founder and ex-CEO at
Founder and CEO at