Open Data Consultant and Activist
Founder of the Public Knowledge Workshop - הסדנא לידע ציבורי
Lead Engineer at Open Knowledge Foundation
A few of my projects:
- The Budget Key for opening the Israeli Budget and Spending
- OpenSpending, a global database for fiscal data
- dataflows, a lightweight and versatile ETL library.
- Making our Municipalities more Transparent using Python!
Orr Shilon:
Orr is a Senior Software Engineer @ Twiggle, specializing in search algorithms.
Prior to Twiggle, Orr worked at Varonis, and he holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Psychology from Tel Aviv University.
Orr also likes long distance running and sometimes races competitively.
Alex Levin:
A Senior Software Engineer and Data Scientist @ Twiggle. Prior to Twiggle, Alex worked at Beamr and Tecnomatix.
Alex holds M.Sc. in computer science from MTA and B.Sc. in Math from Technion.
- Data Pipelines - Comparing Airflow and Luigi by people who have made mistakes in both

I’m a full stack developer from 2011 who absolutely loves the python community. I work at qSpark, leading the main management platform for our algo-trading systems, a supporter/contributor at various pythonic packages I love and a guitar/drums player!
- PyPy - the hero we all deserve.

Aaron (Ari) Bornstein is a Cloud + AI professional with a passion for history, engaging with new technologies and computational medicine. As an Open Source Engineer at Microsoft's Cloud Developer Relations team, he collaborates with Israeli Start-Ups and Communities, to solve real world problems with game changing technologies that are then documented, open sourced, and shared with the developers around the world. To learn more, see: http://aka.ms/israelcda
- Beyond Word Embeddings The Future of Semantic Representation

Avi Aminov is a Data Scientist at Twiggle, leading the team's efforts towards automatic understanding of retail catalogs. Prior to Twiggle, he has worked for Akamai Technologies and pursued various private ventures.
He has more than a decade of experience in engineering and algorithmic design, mainly in e-commerce and cybersecurity.
Avi holds a masters in Physics, and in his free time, he likes to dance and teach Salsa.
- Pipenv - The Python Companion You Wish You Always Had

Barak Itkin (website) is an experienced software/algorithm engineer, and over the last few years have been working on real-world engineering for computer vision systems in Python. Additionally, he's an awarded teacher with 8+ years of teaching experience, including at the Google CS summer camp for teen girls, and at Tel-Aviv University. When he has to do non-software things, he dances, debates, and runs long distances.
- Building ORMs from scratch with advanced Python

Barak is a Principal software engineer at Red Hat
Over the last 5 years Barak has been member of the RHV/CNV DevOps team at Red Hat. He takes an active part in developing and maintaining the complex CI system that is used by the oVirt, KubeVirt and RHV and CNV projects.
- Title: Settling new planets - adding Ansible modules and plugins

Bitya Neuhof is a Software Engineer and Data Scientist at Synamedia, and is passionate about introducing Data Science to the wider engineering community. Bitya co-founded and is leading the first data science course of the JeruML community.
- Automation of feature engineering: pros and cons

I was a tech lead and corporate innovator at the Ministry of Defense for 5 years; then a lecturer in Information Security at Tel-Aviv university; then joined the Android Framework team at Google London; and recently came back home to do AI for Magic Leap. A restless millennial all over the place, it would seem.
I've used Python for as long as I can remember, and always enjoyed its crazier side. When I finished my military service, Dave Beazley wished me to keep my Python code diabolical — and I've been doing so with great abandon ever since.
- Diabolical Python
Daniel Belenky is a software engineer at Red Hat for almost 3 years. For the last year and a half, been working on the CI platform for the KubeVirt project - a Virtual Machine Management solution for Kubernetes.
- Extend Kubernetes to make you a coffee

Daniel has been a software engineer at Bloomberg L.P. for nearly three decades. He recently started coding in Python and quickly fell in love with using Pandas for data science.
Daniel has extensive experience developing Trading Systems, Risk Analytics, and applications for analyzing Equities and Fixed Income securities. He has taught numerous engineering courses at Bloomberg. Daniel holds a Ph.D. in Biophysics from the University of Virginia, and was a CFA charter holder and member of the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute for more than 10 years. He is also the author of "Biophysics Demystified."
- Pandas for Fun and Profit: Using Pandas for Successful Investing.
Python has been my main programming language in the last decade or so in a variety of positions (dev, tech lead, team lead, principal eng, open source maintainer) in a variety of companies (start ups and corporates).
- Logging Like a Pro - The Stuff They Don’t Tell You

I am a data scientist interested in data science, machine learning, deep learning, Python scientific programming, data visualizations, and Bayesian modelling.
- Disease Modeling with Scipy and PyMC

I was always excited about looking at patterns, especially in people interactions. This led me to focus on data science and social network research as a career and discover patterns in people behavior. I did my masters research about Influence Maximization in social networks at the Department of Engineering in Tel Aviv University. I love to teach and was teaching different data topics in the academia and outside. Today I am a Data Scientist & Team Lead at Booking.com working on personalization of travel experiences.
- Social Network Analysis - From Graph Theory to Applications with Python
- Disease Modeling with Scipy and PyMC

Senior Software Engineer, specializing in networking. Maintainer of oVirt VDSM, oVirt System Tests and the new nmstate projects. Part of Red Hat virtualization team.
- Beautiful {Automation} System Tests using Pytest

Serial entrepreneur (co-founded Mobix, Silver-Kite, Flowinspect, CorrSight), experienced VP R&D, Graduate of the prestigious IDF Talpiyot, MSc Cum-Laude in computer sciences.
- Python 3.8 new stuff, assignment expressions and why Guido quits as BDFL
I've finished my M.Sc in Computer Science in the field of Computational Geometry.
My first experience with simulations was already back then - part of my thesis involved building a GNSS-Signals simulator. Deploying some novel optimizations, we improved performance dramatically.
Since then, I've worked as a software developer in different roles with vast experience in Python.
My last one, arrived at early stage to a fast-growing startup named CommonSense Robtics and involved in the system architecture and development, which a simulation is a crucial part of it.
- Boosting simulation performance with Python

Prof. Erel Levine got his PhD in theoretical physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science, working on collective phenomena in systems far from equilibrium. He did his postdoctoral research at the NSF Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, working on experimental and theoretical models of biological regulation. Since 2010 he headed the quantitative system biology lab at the physics department and Center for Systems Biology at Harvard, where his research focused on developing computational, experimental and theoretical approaches to study the dynamics of response to biotic and abiotic threats from the molecular scale to the organismal level. Recently he joined the budding department of Bioengineering at Northeastern University to lead a new program in systems bioengineering. Prof. Levine is interested in developing technologies and methodologies for promoting fact-based thinking and data-driven conclusion.
- Beating #fakenews with Jupyter notebooks
Eva Sasson is a Product Marketer at Sentry.io, an open source & SaaS startup for real-time error monitoring. In addition to working at Sentry and advising impact startups, Sasson has an MSc in Business Analytics and Management Science from University College London, where she explored building data science models in Python and dove into a handful of subjects from bias in machine learning to prediction models. Sasson presented about Network Graphs at the Sunbelt Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands, Pycon Canada, PyTennessee and about Machine Learning Bias at DataDay Mexico, in addition to speaking engagements at the United Nations Human Rights Counsel in Geneva, and at the startup conferences in Silicon Valley, Mobile Beat and Demo. A college entrepreneur and technical product marketer, Sasson’s passion is to support women and underrepresented communities in tech, in addition to transitioning to a zero waste lifestyle and keeping lots of things in jars.
- How do algorithmic models become biased?

I am the Chief Scientist at Serendipity Technologies. We research and evaluate cutting edge technologies in Machine Learning, Natural Language, Data Mining, Image Processing and AI.
- Hierarchical Temporal Memory in Python

Self employed. Helping companies improve their speed of development and deployment by introducing Test Automation, CI, CD and other related DevOps practices.
Providing training in several related subjects.
- Fixtures and Test Doubles in Pytest
Team lead of Redhat's CNV (Container Native Virtualization) CI/CD team.
In the last years, I've been working with Python for developing CI/CD tools.
- Extend Kubernetes to make you a coffee

A Software developer, over 6 years of Python development experience in several projects.
Working as a Software developer at Argus Cyber Security.
- Pylint - Python static code analysis

A senior software engineer and team leader.
Currently working for Satellogic, a startup that wants to provide vertically integrated
geospatial analytics by building deploying and owning constellations of satellites.
My experience includes projects in the GIS, Web, Data and Big-data domains.
I am not locked to one programming language, but in the last years I was mostly using python to achieve my goals.
- Parallel computing and Concurrency
Data Scientist, ML Engineer at JP Morgan
Data Scientist, ML Engineer at BeeEye
10 years of SW Engineering and managing experience
- Model explainability
As a multidisciplinary software developer who has dabbled in everything from web development, cyber security, graphics, to Linux kernel development, I enjoy coming up with original ideas and seeing them through to completion.
- Root Cause Analysis with eBPF & Python
Inbal completed her military service at one of the technological units of 8200. She holds a B.Sc in physics and electrical engineering from the Technion and an M.Sc in computer science from the Weizmann Institute of Science, where she focused on statistical machine learning with applications in computer vision. Later she completed a two-year research position at Tokyo University. In the past two years she has been working at Gong.io as a data scientist where she builds models to solve a wide range of problems in NLP/NLU.
- Building text classifiers with state-of-the-art Deep Learning frameworks

Jacob Barhak is an independent researcher/developer specializes in chronic disease modeling with emphasis on using Computational Technological solutions. The Reference Model for disease progression was self developed by Dr. Barhak as a freelancer. He is the developer of the Micro Simulation Tool (MIST). Dr. Barhak has diverse international background in engineering and computing science. Dr. Barhak is an advocate of non-blind public scientific review. He is active within the python community and runs the Austin Evening of Python Coding meetup.
For a longer list of activities visit his page
- Standardizing Clinical Data with Python
Lior Mizrahi heads the Core Infrastructure Team at Bluevine. He has been a Pythonista for over 10 years.
- I hate security - Bluetooth distance detection story

Liran is the CTO and Co-Founder of Rookout, the Rapid Debugging Company. He's an advocate of modern tech methodologies such as agile, lean and devops and his secret passion is to know how software actually works.
- Understanding Python’s Debugging Internals

I’m a Python Developer at Mirumee Software in Wroclaw, Poland, leading the Saleor development team and maintaining its open-source community for the last year. I’m a GraphQL enthusiast in work and a musician, runner and traveler in my free time.
- Real world Graphene: lessons learned from building a GraphQL API on top of a large Django project

Passionate Pythonistas - and still learning.
I have worked in different companies with different technologies - telecom, storage, cyber; I worked in embedded development and lately did a stint as QA automation developer.
Now I work at JP Morgan as a Python developer, developing tools for Release Management.
- Hacking Around Enumeration

Matti is a core developer of PyPy, contributing to the internal numpy implementation _micronumpy and to the layer that allows python c-extension modules to run on the PyPy python interpreter. He has been active in the open source community both as a contributor and teacher. He now works full-time on Numpy at BIDS.
- Numpy: what has changed and what is going to change?

Miki has a B.Sc. in computer science from Ben Gurion University. Has also studied there toward an M.Sc. in computational linguistics.
Miki had worked in many companies from small startups to big multinational corporations and has written software in many areas from linkers and hardware simulators to news analysis for high frequency traders and handling big data pipelines.
Miki has a passion for teaching and mentoring. He has spent many hours giving workshops on various technical subjects, he also mentored many young developers on their way to success.
Miki also contributed to many open source projects including Python core, Go, Selenium, Apache Avro and many more. He had worked with several of the leading Python developers gaining deep understanding of the language and help improving it as well.
- Descriptors - Supercharge Your Dot
Moran Haham is a senior data scientist at SparkBeyond, whose core business is a cutting-edge technology for data science. Moran is experienced in a wide range of client domains, e.g., retail, finance, banking and logistics where she delivered a massive impact to SparkBeyond’s clients altogether. Apart from the client-facing side, she contributes insightful leads to the R&D into the existing and to the future products. Moran also leads beginners and advanced training for data scientists. Previously Moran worked in Perion networks as a data scientist developing and deploying ML algorithms on large datasets. Moran has an M.Sc. in NLP and recommender systems from Ben-Gurion University and a B.Sc. in industrial engineering & management from Tel-Aviv University.
- A Case study: How to effectively operationalize a Machine Learning model

NLP and Machine Learning Engineer at Amenity Analytics.
Earned M.Sc in Computer science with specialization in Machine Learning and NLP from Bar Ilan University.
Passionate about understanding natural language using advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques.
- Teaching Thousands Of CPUs How To Read
Community developer on the NULS blockchain and Aleph.im project creator.
I aim to make python decentralized apps a reality.
- Decentralizing the cloud with Project Aleph (decentralized applications framework, aka "Look ma, no -centralized- cloud!")

A Python enthusiastic, loving everything related to code, building complex systems and creating interfaces between the code and the people who write it.
Currently leading the development efforts at Imubit - a revolutionary startup in the field of Real Time optimization and control for the manufacturing industry.
- When Deep Learning meets Production

Nicole Harris is the lead designer and HTML/CSS developer on the Warehouse project - the new codebase powering the Python Package Index (PyPI). Through her work on Warehouse, Nicole is also a member of the Python Packaging Authority and Python Packaging Working Group.
Nicole currently leads the UX and UI teams at PeopleDoc, where she works closely with designers, developers and product owners to deliver better experiences for all PeopleDoc users.
Nicole originates from Australia, but now lives in Perth, Scotland.
Personal website: http://whoisnicoleharris.com/
- PyPI: Past, Present and Future

Web-applications architect / back-end developer. Broad experience with serverless technologies in AWS.
I have programmed in different languages as a hobby since 1996, but this was never my profession. I worked in several hosting and cloud providers for more than 5 years since 2005. For the last 5 years I focused more on programming as the main occupation using Python as the primary language.
I love Python for it's community and always eager to contribute myself
- Serverless orchestration of async serverless workers in the cloud
Performance & Cloud Engineer at Final
- Root Cause Analysis with eBPF & Python

Ram Rachum is a software developer specializing in Python. When he's not writing his biography in the third person, he's doing consulting work for clients big and small, giving Python training to teams that would like to deepen their Python skills, and organizing the bi-monthly PyWeb-IL conference.
Python training: http://pythonworkshops.co/
- PySnooper - Never use print for debugging again

Ronnie Sheer is a developer at Bluevine. He has taught software development and advocated incorporating Python and open source technologies in education.
- Async/Awaiting Production

Roy is the VP or Engineering at Amenity Analytics where they transform text into meaningful insights delivered at scale with speed and unparalleled accuracy.
His work focuses on scaling cloud infrastructure, preferably in a serverless and optimized fashion, and on generating insights from textual data using NLP and ML techniques.
Roy defines the best part of his job to be "developing developers".
- Teaching Thousands Of CPUs How To Read

- Background in Environmental Science and Geographical Systems.
- Currently a Data Project Manager in the Israeli Police
- Experienced in Spatial projects in startup companies and large enterprises.
- our DASK ETL Journey
Building data driven products powered by Python in the last 7 years, currently Architect @ProofPoint
- Rust is the next Python FFI

I'm a great believer in learning, teaching and education, working to make them much better.
I've been programming for nearly two decades, managing R&D for several years, and am now running my second educational technology startup, FullProof. I do open-source software as a hobby; these days mostly developing the Python language as a core developer.
- Data Classes in Python: Why They're Great + Examples Using attrs and dataclasses

Dr. Talia Tron is a senior data scientist at Intuit, a leading fin-tech company, developing ML\AI solutions to detect threats and frauds. She holds a PhD in computational neuroscience from the Hebrew University, where she developed automatic tools for analyzing facial expressions and motor behavior in schizophrenia. In addition to her work at Intuit, she work in collaboration with Shiba innovation center - using ML to explore & predict treatment outcomes and develop medical decision support systems.
Prior to joining Intuit, she worked as data scientist in Microsoft advanced threat analytics groups (ATA R&D) and developed customized e-learning tools in Microsoft education group. She co-founded the interdisciplinary psychiatry group, which to brings together clinicians, neuroscientist, and data scientists to advance brain related psychiatric evaluation and treatment.
- AI based triage - predicting late and early mortality after emergency department visit.
Programming since elementary school.
Worked as Machine learning researcher for various fortune 500 companies (Microsoft, Yahoo, at&t)
Currently CTO @ BestPractix, applying NLP to legal documents.
- NLP on legal contracts

Uri is a senior software and NLP developer at Amenity Analytics where they transform text into meaningful insights delivered at scale with speed and unparalleled accuracy.
His work focuses on scaling cloud infrastructure and on generating insights from textual data using NLP and ML techniques.
- Teaching Thousands Of CPUs How To Read

Software engineer at Imubit
- From 2 to 3 in 1 go
Python developer, with a passion for systems and infrastructure as code.
Open Source, Open Data and Digital Privacy activist.
- Python Project Productionization

GIS specialist in Moovit Geo Data team
and GIS blogger http://Geoint.co.il
- When the power of "Where" meets the power of "Share"

Python enthusiast, "to the point" manners, love for our planet and its habitats.
- "Is it safe ?" - python code security tools

Senior Developer @CommonSense-Robotics - a 10 years Pythoneer
having fun solving problems a building complex systems using python.
I also enjoy answering python questions at stackoverflow
stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/5741460/yoav-glazner?tab=profile
Married+5, loves "Daf Hayomi" & basketball
- "Scope of Variables in Python" - A full scoop of python scopes!
Software Engineer at Red Hat
- Writing user space filesystems