Pycon Israel 2021

Cleaner SW architecture using python annotations
05-03, 11:30–11:55 (Asia/Jerusalem), General Track 1

While many developers struggle with the question, “should or shouldn’t I use python annotations?”. I would demonstrate how proper usage of python annotations guide the developers to refine the structure of the written code.

In the “The Clean Architecture” article, Uncle Bob explains the fundamentals principles of “clean” and fine coding. In this lecture, I would show how using python annotations helps the developer to follow those rules.
Python annotations are considered by many as redundant or nice to have, yet I will demonstrate how Python annotations, along with making the code more readable also enhances the chosen programming structure.
I will start the session with a brief introduction to what is considered, by uncle Bob, to be a “clean coding architecture” and continue with practical day to day examples.

Session language


Target audience

Developers, Other (please specify below)

Other (target audience)

all kind of expert programmer.

  • 5 years as a software developer in Intel.
  • 2.5 years in Imubit, 1 year as a full stuck developer and another 1.5 years as DevOps.