Pipenv - The Python Companion You Wish You Always Had
2019-06-03, 14:30–14:55, Hall 3

Managing Python environment dependencies across an organization and between environments is always a pain. Pipenv makes it a little less painful by managing both the environment itself and its configuration.

'Import Error: No module named X'. Sounds familiar? Probably all too familiar for most of you. Nearly every time you share pieces of code or send programs for remote execution, you will encounter this message. After all, we're humans and we don't always remember to update the requirements.txt file when installing a new package. So code may work perfectly on one machine, but fails to work on a different machine.

Pipenv to the rescue! With Pipenv, now you can manage your environment and the configuration using the same command. Each time you install a package using Pipenv, a configuration file is updated automatically, and it can then be used to set an environment on a different machine in a reliable manner.

In this talk we will introduce you to Pipenv, the problems it can help you solve, how to use it properly, and caveats from our personal experience.